Board of Directors Approved 09/06/07
August 2, 2007

Present: Williams, Gerhardt, Hotaling, Machado, Tauber, Curtola, Fisher, Hon. James F. Moelk, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hakenen, Angen, Martin

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of July 5, 2007
Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve, Gerhardt carried.

President’s Report
Nextel: The Nextel lease discussion was postponed until the September Board meeting due to lack of information, ie., lease agreement, corporation yard expansion.

July 21 Golf Course Incident: An unidentified group of approximately eight men were on the #3 green around 7:15 p.m. The group engaged in inappropriate conduct for members and guests. There was a discussion on adjusting the Golf Shop hours to include a marshal to monitor the course till dark during the summer.

NEB: The next NEB meeting will be held at GVCC on August 14, 2007. The meetings benefit the mechanics of Club operations.

General Mangers Report
The Men’s Invitational was a success. There were several legitimate last minute cancellations this year. The Golf Committee will discuss a cancellation fee for next year.

Treasurer’s Report
The Board reviewed the CIF status report which includes funds available, funds disbursed/encumbered, “other anticipated 2007 projects” and the desired carryover of funds to 2008.
The “other anticipated projects” are drainage improvements to Sidney Jones, complete #10 drainage, and soil grading along creek #4. To complete these other anticipated projects, the Board would need to defer funds from the 2007 CIF. There was a lengthy discussion on what items to defer.
Capozzo suggested deferring items #23 through #26 from the CIF Phase II list. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve, Gerhardt seconded. The motion carried.
Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approved #16 through #22 from the CIF Phase II list, plus an additional $17, 000 to complete the #10 drainage and soil grading along creek #4 from the “anticipated 2007 projects” list. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried.

Delinquent Member Policy
The Board agreed to revise our current delinquent policy to reflect that a 60 day delinquent member be sent a letter stating if payment is not received within ten days, all charges and use of the facilities are suspended until the payment is received. Fisher motioned to approve, Gerhardt seconded. The motion carried.
One membership is 120 days delinquent. After some discussion Board decided to proceed with the process to sell this membership. Machado motioned to approve, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motion carried.

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary: Gretchen & Scott Reece
Social: George & Karolyn Maichel
Gerhardt motioned to approve the applicants, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motion carried.

Mission Statement
The draft Mission Statement, Values, Objectives and Strategic Goals was revised to include member input and presented to the Board for approval. Tauber motioned to approve, Curtola seconded. The motion carried. The strategic goals will be sent to particular committees as it is an ongoing process. The mission statement and values will be placed on a plaque and displayed.

Committee Reports

Green: The preliminary drawing of hole #2 as been received from Damian Pascuzzo. PGE is preparing to install the transformer. It is hopeful to be completed next week and to begin testing the system.
Golf: The assessment of the course markings prepared by Steve Ikard was discussed. Story attended the meeting and agreed with the report. Story and Ikard will study the assessment and decide how to move forward.
The committee motioned and approved to request Williams to include a message in his president’s report regarding the July 21, after hours misconduct on the golf course.
Regarding the Board’s request for input on Par 3 Hole-in- One recognitions, the committee’s opinion is that free drinks for everyone and recognition in the KEY is enough.
There was a long discussion on revising our current red flag policy which will allow members to monitor members and their conduct on the golf course. The topic was carried over to next month.
The committee is requesting $300.00 for golf shop employee photos, frames, and name tags. The committee would like to have the frames placed on the pro shop wall above the window to display current photos and names of the staff. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve the funds, Gerhardt seconded. The motion carried.
They also requested space in the monthly KEY for employee biographies. Hotaling motioned to approve, Fisher seconded. The motion carried.
Food & Beverage: On weekends, the snack bar will open at 10:00 a.m. Children’s items have been added to the menu.
Buildings & Grounds: The committee is asking the Board whether the corporation yard falls under the building and grounds committee or the green committee. The Board stated it falls under the buildings and grounds committee. The committee will be addressing their four top projects: 1) Tennis house drainage – electrical box only, (2) Tennis house drainage – protect against flooding and review upper lot, 3) Review need and costs to replace mansion roof, 4) Cost for security cameras.
Finance: The committee is discussing initiating a policy to finance projects. They are also discussing criteria for an Honorary class of membership.
By-Laws: Hon. James F. Moelk presented the current section of our by-laws restricting tennis privileges to Associate members. To modify the by-laws allowing tennis privileges to Associate members, the last three words in paragraph 2.1.2(a) need to be stricken. Machado motioned to strike the last three words as shown, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motion carried.

Nominating Committee
The members of the nominating committee are: Bill Fell, chairman, Mike Ross, Tom Recknagel, Don Young, and Joan Chesarek.

General Membership Meeting
The General Membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. Williams asked the liaison’s to remind the chairpersons that they are to give a short committee report at the meeting.

Old & New Business
Williams will respond to a member letter concerning the general operations of the Club.

Fisher motioned to adjourn, Gerhardt seconded. The motion carried 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary